Monday, May 28, 2012

The Amish People

Here is a video and some pictures of the Amish people in Pennsylvania, USA.

Please leave comments below based on your assigned homework questions.

HomeworkPost your opinion about The Amish lifestyle.  Do you think it is good or bad?  Could you live like The Amish?  
Check the blog again later and read comments from your classmates.  Reply to at least one classmate.

Do you best!!


Hello everyone, This is the blog for IRS.  IRS will have 2 blogs called, IRS-1 & IRS-2.  Please make sure you post to the correct one.

Feel free to leave comments, ask questions, post links, etc.

Remember you are students and must represent the school even when online.  Please be professional and respectful to others.

Please do not use your full names.  Your first name or family name only is fine.

Let's have fun this year!!!

Here is a little quiz:

What is this called in English?  (Do not use a dictionary)